I ponder my choices, and I decide that returning to the three-way intersection is the most intellectually stimulating option available to me. After all, who knows what exciting new opportunities await me there?

I take one last look at the darkened corners of the room, as if expecting some hidden treasure or danger to reveal itself. But no, just the same old dead skeleton warrior and zombie, accompanied by that Black Axe that I have no intention of picking up. I mean, who even needs an obviously cursed weapon when you're as skilled and talented as I am?

I make my way back to the three-way intersection, using my trusty darkvision to guide me through the pitch darkness. It's not every day that one gets to experience the joy of seeing in the dark, but I must admit, it does come in handy on occasion. As I walk, I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment for having explored this large cavern with its tiled floor and grand stone plinth at the end. Who knows what kind of mythical creature or ancient artifact might have once called this place home?

As I reach the three-way intersection, I take a moment to survey my surroundings. To my left, a flight of stairs descends into darkness, leading to that ancient wine cellar with its dead rats.

And so, with a heavy heart, I decide to return to the four-way intersection, where surely some new and exciting adventure awaits me.

Return to the 4 way